Wave energy project developer in French Polynesia

To rely on the force of the waves to create local, carbon-free electricity,
sized to the needs of the territory and generating jobs for all the Polynesian archipelagos.

Carbon-free electricity for the benefit of the population

Local authorities


Coastal consumers

Energy self-sufficiency is paramount for island territories

Wave energy could offer a new perspective in the energy transition
by stabilising costs and making the territory more resilient. The assurance that future generations can continue to live together in good conditions.

Swell as an endless resource

Wave energy devices make it possible to exploit the power of the swell (wave created by the wind that propagates in the ocean) in order to produce 100% carbon-free electricity

We prioritize small systems, not or barely visible from the coast and adapted to local energy demand of communities.

0 %

of the electrical needs of
French Polynesia covered in 2030

+ 0

islands studied on the
Polynesian archipelagos

0 MWh

produces annually in 2030

Co-constructing projects with local stakeholders

Are Uira develops wave energy projects with and for the good of comunities by relying on Polynesian forces so that everyone can express their skills, their love for the ocean and their traditional values of sharing and benevolence.

The implementation of these projects requires the involvement of all the actors and stakeholders in the territory: local authorities, companies, fishermen, ports, industries, the academic and scientific world, associations and citizens.

stakeholders, are uira, marine energy, coconstruction, wave energy, frenc polynesia, nantes


Wave Energy Atlas of French Polynesia

In 2023, Meteolien and Météo-France co-created the wave energy atlas of French Polynesia through 30-year modelling. The Opendata Atlas Wave is now avaible on www.odatis-ocean.fr. This tool is a mapped...

15 wave energy projects under study

A prospecting work has carried out on all 76 inhabited islands of the archipelago in order to verify the feasibility and build a “pipeline” of wave energy projects. The prospecting made it...

Two wave energy demonstrators in Tahiti

 Launch of two wave energy demonstrators in Tahiti to prove that it is possible to produce carbon-free electricity thanks to the force of Polynesian waves and make French Polynesia more energy...

Are Uira sponsors the Moorea team during the Vendée Va’a

Heading to Vendée, in France for the Tuaiva Nui Va’a team from the island of Moorea (Tahiti’s sister island). Created in 2009 by the Tauhiro brothers, the collective promotes the practice...

About us

Created in 2023, Are Uira is the combination of 3 companies that are experts in the fields of the ocean and renewable energies:

Your contact in Tahiti



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